Please login and go to the members section to view Agenda and Meeting Minutes
Agenda items must be received by Secretary Wallace No Later than 5pm on September 6th
Please login and go to the members section to view Agenda and Meeting Minutes
Agenda items must be received by Secretary Wallace No Later than 5pm on September 8th
Please login and go to the members section to view Agenda and Meeting Minutes
Agenda items must be received by Secretary Wallace no later than 5pm on August 4th
Please login to the website and visit the Member Resources section to view the Agenda and Meeting Minutes
Please note: The executive board has agreed to move the July 3rd meeting due to the majority of our E-Board members that are all on A-Shift. The meeting is to be held on July 2nd (1 day earlier). Agenda items must be received by Secretary Wallace no later than 5pm on June 30th